Become A Reseller
Become A Reseller
We partner with variety of resellers, System integrators and value-added resellers in the small, mid-sized and enterprise markets.
Becoming a Cerebra Middle East partner enables you to work with the leading niche vendors in Data Center, IT infrastructure and Security. CerebraME through its many focused business practices provides access to products, programs, services, support and knowledge that will help you to gain a competitive advantage in the way that you provide solutions to your customers. By engaging with a specific business practice, you can gain access to a whole range of capabilities aimed at helping your productivity, efficiency and profitability as an organization.
Why Cerebra ?
Our value-added service model streamlines business processes to help customers across the region lower their costs and create greater efficiencies. We provide a variety of professional and marketing services, including: demand generation, education & training, pre & post-sale technical support, end-user enablement, need assessment, Solution design and integration.
Cerebra Middle East also OFFERS financial options to secure credit-lines and help close deals.